Tuesday, November 28, 2017


The photos I am showing today I took of the container plants on the patio yesterday. Can't believe I still have daisies, etc.

Sweet lavender petunias too.

This morning I have an appointment with the gynecologist. That seems to be the next step. 

I had about two good weeks. Now I'm back to feeling nauseous and faint. Hormones?

My glasses came in, thank goodness. So I went to get them yesterday. And not a minute too soon.

Then I stopped at Hobby Lobby on the way home because they had a few things half off that I'd been wanting. While in there, I felt faint a number of times.

I've never fainted, so I don't know what that's like. But I get very hot and kind of dizzy and light-headed. 

And feel an almost desperate need to get outside into moving air. My mouth gets very dry and I want a drink of water and thank goodness I have some in my car.

I got home and turned on the news in time to hear the president speaking to a Native American group. And he called Senator Elizabeth Warren (from Oklahoma) "Pocahontas." 

I couldn't believe it. 

Clearly, clearly, that was not the appropriate thing to say. For the love of all things holy, how could someone not know that???

I don't think I've ever shaken my head in consternation at things I hear coming out of Washington D.C. as much as I have this past year. From the press secretary on up. 

I must say that I am continually shocked.

Well, it is highly entertaining I guess I can accurately say. But also a bit disturbing.

I do think 2018 is going to be the year of the woman. Onward to 2020. Women are winning key elections all over the nation. And it's about time.

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