Sunday, December 17, 2017

Blue Jays & A Visit With Andrew

Isn't this the prettiest Blue Jay? He has this weird blue tuft on his head I don't recall seeing on Blue Jays before. 

Maybe I've just forgotten.

Same bird, but you don't see the tuft on its head. Maybe it goes up and down???

I love all the shades of blue on these birds. Such striking colors.

Of course I don't think I've ever seen a bird I didn't consider beautiful!

Yesterday I got up, had some yogurt and went to see Andrew. They've been busy lately, so I haven't seen him as much as I'd like.

My daughter gave me this photo. I just adore this picture of the two of them. Andrew has her smile.

Andrew wasn't feeling all that well, but we got down on the floor and played cars. He had these plastic multi-colored tracks we put together for a highway. 

Here's a squirrel getting a drink of water at the bird bath. 

The other day I saw a squirrel sitting in one of my outdoor chairs. Then it jumped over to the coffee table. Funny watching its antics.

Charlie saw him too. He always lifts himself up on his haunches with excitement when he sees a squirrel.

Abi says "meh," I don't care about those squirrels. "My brother is just silly."

I finished "The Resurrection Of Joan Ashby." And started another book. 

I believe six new books came in the mail from publishers/authors this past week. 

My daughter is the happy recipient of all my free books.

Happy Sunday!

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