Monday, September 4, 2017

Labor Day Here In Tulsa

It's a quiet weekend here. Quite hot and no rain in sight. As we glide into September, fall weather is but a dream.

I went out with my daughter and Andrew on Saturday. She and I later went to lunch and to roam around a bit, while Andrew spent time with his dad. 

I'm still on the fence about dragging out my big box of fall decor. Part of me wants to. But then once I sit and think about it awhile, I don't do it. 

Maybe I will, maybe I won't. It's just too hot right now to think about it.

Yesterday when I turned my Breville Smart oven on, I couldn't change the setting dial. I can cook on Bake. But it won't switch from Bake to something else. 

I'm wondering if my moving it around recently did something to it?

I have gotten three and a half years out of it. And I use it most every day. So that's well over 1000 days of use. 

I may get another one before long. Not sure yet. Since I don't have a stove, this is a more crucial decision should it come to the point that I can't use it.

But then if I get another one at some point, my next thought is: What do I do with this one? 

I have surely found ways to make my little kitchen work for me without missing the stove. So I think I've got some time with this one yet.

What are you doing this Labor Day weekend?

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