Tuesday, September 5, 2017

When Simplifying...

Yesterday I brought out the plastic tote that has my fall decor inside. 

I remember giving my daughter much of it last year. But I didn't realize I gave her pretty much all of it!

Well, that made up my mind for me. I chose a couple of small fall candles. Then put the bin back in the closet.

My daughter has a huge house and plenty of room to spread things out. I don't. Glad I gave it all to her. Whenever I purge she is often the recipient.

I had four or five faux pumpkins in there. But with every year that passes, I find that I have become even more pragmatic about such things as seasonal decorating. 

Plopping fake pumpkins in my small living space seems a bit silly.

I'd rather buy a few real ones if it ever cools off before November and put them out on the patio with mums. I know I'd enjoy them more in a bigger and more outdoorsy setting.

I find when I look around me that I have just enough space. I have a living space, a bedroom, a dining space and kitchen. And of course a bathroom. Not to mention my nice patio. 

What more could I possibly use? Any more than I have would be more than I need. 

Another thing I've learned about myself as I get older, I don't want "more than." I want "just enough."

Now when I clean surfaces of dust, it takes me about five minutes, if that. 

I don't have carpet, so it's maybe 10-15 minutes to mop the whole apartment. Then I clean the bathroom, which might take about the same time. 

I like being able to clean most everything in around 30 minutes. 

I don't do a lot of laundry. I often will use a towel for close to a week. 

Years ago one of you told me about these quick drying towels from JCPenneys, which I immediately ordered four of. And I use them exclusively. Never a smelly towel. 

I give a swipe to my fridge here and there. I don't have a big oven to clean. (I just hated the smell of those self-cleaning ones, as well as the chemicals we had to use prior to their making those). 

I have my things pretty well-organized. 

Yes, my two big walk-in closets in my bedroom get the most abused. As it's so easy to just put something in there and close the door on it. 

But eventually I have to dig everything out and straighten it back up again.

I thought when I moved here I'd miss my big fridge and ice maker and water in the door. But you know what, I really don't. I have one ice tray and it is more than enough. I can drink tap water.

Really, when it comes down to it, we become quite spoiled. So many things we acquire because everyone else has it and it is a novelty of sorts. 

But is it something I need? No. 

I use four glasses. One of them I put in my bathroom. More than enough. 

Now if I entertained, that would be a different story. But my daughter and I always go out somewhere. 

Andrew is scared of the pupsters. He's actually afraid of pretty much all dogs. Maybe he'll grow out of it. 

But every time he comes in, I hold the dogs. And that limits me. So we just take him out somewhere or I go to their house.

Speaking of pupsters, I realized I hadn't shown a photo of them lately. Here they are today.

Charlie closed his eyes. And Abi is in the raised bed sniffing around to potty. (You can see her butt.) I couldn't get a good photo of her. She was just not cooperating.

All this just to say, I don't need a bunch of fall vignettes to remind me of the coming season. I would just have more to dust around. 

Simple is sounding better all the time.

So if you just don't feel like dragging those bins of fall decor out, don't feel bad about it. I don't. 

I'd much rather have my quilts and colorful bits and bobs around me to enjoy anyway.

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