Sunday, September 3, 2017

The Patio Early September

I have a few blooms on the patio, but not many. They are few and far between now. Burned up in this heat. Though I have watered them sometimes twice per day.

A few daisies or petunias here, a couple of roses there. Oh, and my hyacinth bean vine is getting a few blooms.

Above, if you look closely, you can see my concrete mand that is virtually covered up by all the leaves, which are abundant. Unlike my poor flowers.

I love rocks, and I brought some with me when I moved here from Texas. 

Who moves rocks? Me. I'm very partial to my rocks.

Early last month the purple petunias were quite lush. No more. I have perhaps three blooming at this moment. 

They did put on quite a show, those petunias.

I have moved the steel gazing balls around the patio to fill in where plants are dying.

Have I ever told you about the gazing balls I bought back in Texas before I realized there were steel gazing balls? Oh my, I can't even remember how many I broke!

I really don't know why on earth companies even make those fragile gazing balls. They don't fare outside in gardens very well.

They practically break when you look at them, they're so thin.

The volunteer morning glories have a few blooms. They're very hardy. 

I can plant morning glory seeds till the cows come home. Nothing happens. 

I don't know why I bother. I don't much anymore. I just have no luck with the seeds.

The yellow rose blooms in fits and starts. 

It will stop blooming entirely. Then I'll see the rosebuds forming again. Maybe that's just what they do. I hadn't had roses in awhile and I've forgotten.

The lemon grass is still edging skyward. Hard to believe it started out as a small plant. It's close to four feet now. 

Container plants just don't grow like plants you put in the ground. Although I feel like I've had very good luck with mine.

I just wonder how high that lemon grass might be had I planted it in the dirt?

And those silly squirrels, they continue driving Charlie crazy. I can hear them chattering outside. He perks up his ears and listens to them. They try to annoy him, and they succeed.

I might get a few mums to cheer up my patio. Not when it's still so hot though.

How are your gardens doing right now?

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