Saturday, November 18, 2017

Hitting Pause

Today the wind is howling outside. 

Looking out the patio door, I can see the tree limbs that hang over my fence swaying back and forth. The leaves are shaking to the ground like salt from a shaker.

It is one of those days when you just want to stay in, stay warm, and get lost in a book.
I moved the blue cupboard with my dishes to the opposite wall yesterday. And I'm pondering whether I like it there. 

There is no rush.

I feel the need for more simplicity after the health problem of the past weeks. I need empty space to relax my mind.

Do you ever get that feeling? Like your brain needs more open space so you can hit pause?

Lately I'm not rushing much of anything. 

Decisions hover like a cloud. There seems to be no need for haste. 

I've been pushing myself physically this week doing things. I'm making myself slow down because my body tells me it needs that now.

I sit here and ask myself why I've always been in such a hurry. What was compelling me to do, do, do? 

Well, whatever it was seems to have moved on down the road now. And I wave goodbye.

We should sip at life like it's fine wine. Experience it fully. 

Hit the pause button. 

And let the taste of it linger on our tongue.

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