Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sunday On The Patio

This mourning dove visited my patio. It has the fluffiest feathers. Not sure why that is. 

I think they are such elegant birds.

Here is the yellow daisy opening up. 

I don't recall having blooming daisies this late in the season before. But it may be that I cut everything back before this time of year.

Here is Abi after I brought them home from the groomers the other day. 

I took a few pics of Charlie, but they were blurry. That boy is just not fond of having his photo taken. 

On the other hand, Abi loves it and tries to make sure she gets in on the action.

There are still a few petunias hanging on out there. 

And Johnny-Jump-Ups. These sweeties are one of my favorite flowers for spring and fall. They like cool weather and stop blooming in the heat.

And a few more. I love gazing at them from my perch on the couch looking out the patio doors.


I got a gardening catalog in the mail the other day. I haven't had a chance to pore over it yet. 

Soon we'll be entering the time of year, after Christmas, when I'll be looking at catalogs and Pinterest and my gardening books to semi-plan next spring's container gardens. 

There are just a few Hyacinth Bean Vine blooms so far. I hope the bean pods form before we get a freeze. I want to gather the seeds for next year.

Do you have your Thanksgiving holiday all planned out? Are you going somewhere or having a crowd at your house?

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