Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Weird Weather & Garden Art

We're having cool nights (turn on the heater cool) and hot days (turn on the AC hot) these days. It's that time of year when Mother Nature can't seem to make up her mind.

I go out and change the bird bath water every day. And as soon as I go inside, there is a flurry of bird activity out there. It is a riot of noise. They immediately jump in and start splashing around in the fresh water.

I am truly enjoying the lushness of the plants. The potato vines have just gone crazy, trailing all over the place. So have the mints.

I trimmed back the lemon balm, as much of it was dried up and not pretty. But I'm going to enjoy the greenery until it freezes.

The Hyacinth Bean Vine is making pretty purple pods of beans that I will retrieve and save to plant next year.

The squirrels are very active, much to Charlie's delight. He is absolutely mesmerized by their antics.

Abi just doesn't care about the birds or squirrels. The only critter she seems to be watchful of is me! She follows and watches me like a little hawk.

When I go out that front door, she is screeching and pitching a fit and sometimes she bites my foot as I ease through a narrow bit of door to keep her from running out. Charlie throws a fit with her.

I've had these wind chimes since I lived in Texas. They came from Garden Deva right here in Tulsa. My daughters used to buy this garden art for me for birthdays, etc. However we decided long ago to not give gifts to one another.

One thing I'll say about metal garden art: It never breaks! It just continues to rust. And I think that rust is lovely for texture in my garden.

I ordered many of Garden Deva's creations online before I moved here. I need to figure out where her shop is and visit it one of these days. Maybe next spring before I plant for summer.

If you like the wind chimes or would like to take a look at her metal sculptures, go visit her here

Here is a collage of some of her sculptures that appeal to me:

Wouldn't you love to have that sweet bench? It's pretty pricey at around $800! W-a-y out of my league.

A question: Do any of you have one of those one multi-use instant pot pressure cookers like the one above? I keep reading about them. Kind of interested in hearing more. Just wanting some feedback.

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