Saturday, September 16, 2017

Catching Up

Are you tired of decorating yet? I hope you enjoyed this past week's decorating series. 

Some had questions, and I was thinking maybe we need to have a Question & Answer day so we can help one another with decorating and/or organization dilemmas. 

Let me know what you think. And if you would like any other type of series, I'd love to hear about that as well.

Today I'm just catching you up on the week's happenings around here.

I noticed before noon yesterday that the outdoor temperature gauge was nearly at 100 degrees. 

My poor clematis, I noticed when I was watering it, has fried. Literally brown, poor thing. I hope I get new growth next spring.

I can water twice a day, and still everything dries up. I'm ready for fall weather!

This is Charlie sprawled across his doggy bed. When I was at Home Goods this past week, I found him a bed that's a little bigger.

Since I took that photo earlier this week, the pupsters got groomed.

Abi's and Charlie's new "do." Charlie is below. He is munching on pineapple sage, which I notice he does when his tummy is a bit upset.


Here he is with his new bed below. Fits him much better, don't you think? I put his other bed back on my bed so he can still have it there.

Abi has absolutely no interest in doggy beds. But Charlie loves them. I think it makes him feel safe to have a bed.

Charlie yawning. Just look at that boy's long tongue. Think he was born with a double tongue or something?

I got the white set of dishes, but one plate was broken. I knew one was broken before I pulled them out because I could hear it. I called to ask what to do. 

After dealing with someone I could barely understand (where do they have these call centers for Target?), who told me I had to ship the whole heavy box back, I asked to speak with someone higher up.

That individual was a bit more helpful. I told him that I had to push the box on the floor into my apartment, so I sure didn't want to pack it back up and attempt to carry it to my car. 

But they said they can't just send me one plate, as it comes in a set. They decided to just send me a new set. So I'll have seven plates. And eight of everything else. That set is not here yet.
Update: Well, that second set just arrived and guess what? One of the mugs was broken! I'm just glad it wasn't another plate.

Have a great weekend!

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