Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Bits Of News...

It's overcast today. I haven't checked the weather, so I don't know if rain is in the forecast.

The leaves are falling, but none around me are turning pretty colors. I feel like Mother Nature has missed a step in the evolution of fall. 

We've changed our clocks. We're headed toward Thanksgiving. And yet my air conditioning is still humming along while I paint and wait for paint to dry.

My living room has been taken over temporarily by an old tarp that I paint on. I bring furniture from the bedroom and paint here. One piece is finished. Working on another. 

Will show this project once finished. 

Because it is dark out today, I didn't have very good light while painting this second coat. I know I will have drips and blobs I might have to worry with. 

Or not. Depends on my mood once it's dry.

Abi and Charlie are asleep, back to back, on the ottoman. My feet rest alongside them. 

Just a bit ago, Abi was chasing Charlie away from the food, the little devil. And I had to pick her up to let him eat. 

And now here they are, twins in sleep, their little bodies aligned as if there was never a problem. 

I'm putting drops in Charlie's eyes twice per day, and we go back to see the specialist just before Thanksgiving. I can't tell if he's feeling better. I hope he is. 

In news outside my little home, seems there was another earthquake in Cushing, Oklahoma, about 50 miles from Tulsa. Earthquakes around here no longer seem out of the ordinary. 

Well, that's life around my neck of the woods for now. 

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