Monday, July 18, 2016

Where To Put The TV In Small Living Spaces Or Apartments

For those of you who reside in apartments, like me, or other small space homes, you know that space is at a premium.

For those of us who have a TV, we ultimately run into the problem of where on earth to put it so that it doesn't overpower our living space.

Here are some apartments that give you ideas on where to put it.

Now I know that many of you (especially those with men in your lives) have huge TVs. Personally, I hate those big honkin' things. But sometimes they are a necessary evil.

However in the photo above, you see that there is a small TV enclosed in a rolling cabinet. (I bet only a woman lives there...)

This TV is not a focal point in this home either. The conversation area is completely separate. I love that.

In this small living space, there is more of a focus on the TV, as the room is pretty small. So I imagine it would be hard not to have it front and center.

This TV looks like an afterthought in the room. But it's there in case anyone wishes to watch it.

This TV is off to the side, so really not the focus in this room. I like that.

This apartment looks like it might be a studio. So the space has to be serve many purposes. The TV is prominent, but in my opinion not overwhelmingly so. 

I like to watch TV sometimes too. And I recently moved one into my living room. But I would never want it to take over my space visually.

There are so many other things I'd rather showcase than a TV.

If you live in a small space, where do you have your TV placed? If you have a great suggestion for us, please leave your idea in the comments.

Photo credit: Apartment Therapy

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