Monday, September 11, 2017

5 Step Kitchen Vignette

I'm going to show you how I built this vignette to decorate my corner kitchen area. It took less than 10 minutes from start to finish.

1. Choose your base to build upon

Which means a basket, box, tray, etc. Or it could just be a flat surface

In this case I have chosen a vintage wooden box to go on top of the cutting board. (The big heavy cutting board keeps my washer from spinning out of control and shaking!)

2. Choose decor/objects for vignette

I took a few cutting boards and layered them on the little shelf above the washer. Since the cutting boards on the shelf look fairly angular, I catty-cornered my base for a softer look.

Then I started adding my plates, etc. inside the wooden box. 

3. Layer from back to front

I added three plates, a platter and a cutting board. I had a few flower stems and stuck them in to soften the look of the plates, platter and cutting board.

4. Once you've added everything, step back and evaluate your vignette 

Is it unbalanced? Do you need something to soften the angles?

I have mentioned "softening" quite a few times. I think this is important because hard objects look a bit stark. Adding greenery is something I like to use.

One of my faux flowers fell off the stem. Instead of tossing it, I used it to layer my vignette.

5. Edit if your vignette seems too cluttered

Editing objects is just as important as adding objects. 

You're done!

Adding the red bloom adds a whimsical touch to the vignette. And I always love a bit of whimsy!

Do you have any ideas you'd like to leave in the comments about what you might add or take away? Suggestions help us all! 

Tomorrow is day two of this decorating series.

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