Monday, December 25, 2017

Charlie's New Trick, The Best Christmas Present

Charlie has never been the kind of dog that plays with toys or chews bones. In all his 11 years. 

I have a big tub of toys he's been given over the years, all manner of toys, and he ignores them. 

A time or two he got excited and picked a toy up and then put it back down. He never seemed to understand quite what to do with a dog toy.

I've always felt sorry for my precious Charlie boy. 

He has the sweetest disposition. Abi is the bully around here. 

When she's attempting to eat all the food with her mouthful of sharp teeth, I will pick her up so he has a chance with his two teeth to catch up.

When Abi is chewing away on a chew bone, I always give Charlie a soft treat so he doesn't feel left out. 

So the strangest thing happened. 

Out of the blue, Charlie picked up one of Abi's chew sticks, put it between his paws just like she does, and started chewing on it. 

Granted, he only has two teeth. But he was gnawing at it with his gums. 

I was beyond surprised. I was shocked. 

He didn't chew/gnaw on it for more than about a minute.  

Still, it was amazing.

Why hadn't he taken this momentous step back when he actually had a mouth full of teeth?

My little boy has finally figured it out. It took him 11 years, but he finally figured out what to do with a bone.

I know this sounds silly, but it was the most wonderful of Christmas presents.

This gift wasn't wrapped up and tied with a bow. But I cherished it as though it was the best present ever. 

Because in a way, it was.

I guess it's like when you have a child who somehow isn't like other children. And that difference just pulls at your heartstrings.

It has happened a couple of times since. And each time I stop what I'm doing and just stare at him like any proud parent.
And I'm so moved I want to cry.

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