Saturday, December 16, 2017

The Stuff Of Dreams...

Do you ever wake up with a dream still dangling in your mind, but every time you try to grasp it, it pulls away?

Sometimes that happens to me.

I can't recall a thing about the dream come morning. But oftentimes vague little clues will escape from the ether of my mind later in the day. 

I wonder why that is?

There are many scientific theories about what dreams mean.

Some think that dreams are a means by which the mind works through difficult and unsettling thoughts.

Others posit that dreams are a form of memory processing, that they're an extension of waking consciousness.

Sometimes I dream that someone is chasing me, shooting a gun at me. I try to find a place to hide as each bullet comes closer.

Another dream is that I have found myself in a bad situation, yet I cannot remember an important phone number to call for help. 

Sometimes I dream that I can't find a phone. Then other times I dream that the numbers of the phone are obliterated and I cannot see the digits.

One of my most pleasurable dreams is that I am like a bird, the birds that I love to watch and photograph, and I am flying up in the sky with them.

I dream that I run a certain distance and then raise my arms and suddenly I'm lifted off the ground. Up and up I go, and I feel light as air. 

Sometimes it is night and I fly into the blackness and cannot see what's ahead of me. But oddly there is no anxiety about flying into the dark.

So as my dreams populate my nighttime hours, there will occasionally be dreams that I actually recall. 

But most of my dreams seem to dodge my memory like a wisp of smoke.

Where do these dreams go? Do they just disappear?

What are some of your most prominent or confusing dreams? Do you dream in color?

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