Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Sick & Tired Of Being Sick & Tired.

It was a quiet Christmas. With the sound of the birds outside and the pupsters snoring as they slept. 

The drip-drip of the water in the sink to keep the pipes from freezing in this dismal cold weather. 

And of course the sound of me wheezing as I breathe through my mouth because I can't breathe out of my nose. 

Lawsy, I'm tired of being sick. 

My daughter brought me my holiday meal. She's sweet that way.

However I'm enjoying my house plants in this dreary cold weather. The sight of them always perks me up.

I want so much to get busy and do something. But my body is not complying. 

I'm tired, congested, my throat hurts, my head hurts, my chest hurts, and I sneeze a lot. My nose burns and my head feels like it's been mummified.

This too shall pass, I keep telling myself. 

I'm reading this book right now.

It is the second book in a series. The first was Stillhouse Lake, which I read on my Kindle last summer. 

If you like fast-paced thrillers, you might want to check out these two books. 

I read Most Wanted in two days over the weekend. Lisa Scottoline rarely disappoints.

I keep thinking I'm going to get up off the couch and do a little something. 

But aside from keeping the dishes washed, getting in a shower a day, and taking care of Abi and Charlie, I just don't have anything left over right now..

I sit and stare out the front window where sparrows fly in and out of the bushes. 

The water in their bird bath is frozen solid, but I don't have the energy to go outside and tend to it.

A sweet reader was kind enough to send me a Christmas care package. 

Included was a book light, and she even included a package of batteries for it, which was very sweet of her to do. Three decorating magazines. A pretty notebook with birds on it. 

As well as candy canes. Which are nice for my sore throat. Thank you, Pam! Your kindness is much appreciated.

I drink a lot of water and apple juice to stay hydrated. 

I gaze out the patio door at the plants in hibernation. The wind is barely blowing, I know, as the tree branches are scarcely moving. 

That is a gift in itself. Don't think I could take high wind on top of bitter cold right now. 

I hate feeling so dull-headed and stopped up and my chest is sure weary of the deep wracking cough. 

Think I'll thumb through a garden catalog and dream of spring on the patio.

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