Friday, December 29, 2017

Plants In A Beverage Stand

Now that my little Christmas tree is put away, I have the prayer plant in the red beverage stand. I figured that's a pretty good place to display plants.

The red stand was getting faded hanging on the fence in the outdoor sun, so I think I'll keep it inside for now.

When I woke up this morning, I had the feeling that I might have turned the corner on being sick. I could breathe in deeply again. Not coughing as much.

Maybe it's due to being the third day of using the NeilMed Sinus Rinse that reader Ruth wrote to me and told me to find, which I promptly did.

I'd never heard of it. But I was sure willing to give it a go. So thanks Ruth!

Another reader, Joan, who lives here in town, offered to bring me whatever I needed. Food, medicine, whatever. Thanks so much, Joan, but I'm fine.

I'm hoping I can get out and about for myself soon. 

Sara, the person I found to transfer my blog to the different blog platform, will be doing so on Tuesday, when hopefully most will be back at work from the holidays.

We're waiting until the holidays are over to get things situated with the ad network. So hoping it all goes smoothly.

I'm not anticipating any problem. I'm a little anxious though, just because this blog has been my baby since April of 2009. 

I've been averaging a book every day or so. Reading them, that is. A steady supply has been coming in. 

I hope you don't get tired of book reviews. Cause I sure don't get tired of reading books! 

I'm currently reading this book... 

I'll never tire of reading. 

Ever since I learned how to sound out words in the first grade, I have been smitten with books. Always had my nose in a book, as they say.

I remember my excitement when I could finally recognize letters and know what they spelled out. 

Since I was quite small I had been squiggling things on paper and pretending the squiggles meant something.

Then there I was actually stringing words together into sentences. It was like a revelation.

They say if you give a man a fish, you will feed him for a day. But if you teach the man to fish, you will feed him for a lifetime. 

I feel similarly about books. 

If someone reads to you, they will entertain you for a day. But if someone teaches you to read, they've essentially handed you the key to unlocking all the information in the world. 

From that day forward, given that most precious of gifts, you will be able to fend for yourself in the world. Because you are in a position to partake in the opportunities that life has to offer.

All because you can read.

I don't know where this frigid cold blast has come from. But I think I understand more what it must be like to live up north. 

I sure hate the heat when it comes and lingers on and on. But this cold may be something for the history books. 

I will sure be relieved to see more temperate weather in the forecast.

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