Sunday, December 3, 2017

Painting, Cleaning & Aging

The tree leaves have darkened and many are on the ground now. I miss the pretty shades of red and yellow and gold. The leaves are mostly brown and papery now. The turning of the season.

Yesterday morning I got up and decided I had to get this place straightened out. My apartment was in complete disarray with things piled up waiting for the electrical contractor who never came. 

Those spots on the wall, where I got the wrong shade of white paint and tried to cover nail holes, was driving me crazy.

I wanted things sorted before I drag out any Christmas decor. That would be like putting lipstick on a pig, as my first ex used to say.

So I got out the paint and painted the top half of the dining room. There is molding separating the top about a third of the way up. I didn't bother painting below that.

I didn't dare get up on the step ladder, so just like the living room, there is a good four inches where I couldn't reach to paint near the ceiling.

Not going to worry about it right now.
I was so tired and hungry by early afternoon that I went to the Sonic less than a block away and got a burger and iced tea. 

I kind of felt guilty, because I haven't been eating any beef or ingesting caffeine. Just got a wild hair I guess.

I got home and sat down at the table to eat, took a sip of the iced tea, and realized it tasted too strong now that I haven't had any caffeine in awhile. I got up and poured water in the cup and stirred. 
I couldn't drink the tea even watered down, so I just put it in the fridge. Once the ice melts it might be easier to drink. Think I'll stick to water and juice. 

As I was eating, I saw all the worn spots on the kitchen table. So after I finished eating, I got out the pale yellow paint and gave it a going over too. 

As I was sitting on the couch resting, I happened to look down at my arms in the early afternoon light. 

When, I asked myself, did the inner part of my arms begin to look a bit like crepe paper? "Old lady skin." Guess it all just creeps up on you.

I've never been one of those women who worry endlessly about wrinkles and gray hairs creeping in. I'm certainly not going to dye my hair. 

And I don't use moisturizer because I hate anything on my skin. Many women would probably consider that a form of sacrilege.

Looking our age is just part of life. I'm not going to fight a clock that never stops ticking. 

Just not in my nature.

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