Thursday, December 28, 2017

Cold & Getting Colder

It is bone-chillingly cold here. Colder than it's been since I moved back to Oklahoma more than six years ago. 

I had to look through my closet to see if I actually owned a thick coat. (I did). 

I searched in pockets of jackets for warm gloves. (I found only one).

I've wheezed my way through one day after the next, telling myself the next day will be better. (Maybe a tad).

I remember once, years ago, I broke a few ribs from coughing so much. Hoping that doesn't happen. (So far so good on that one).

Abi and Charlie startle and stare at me when I cough so deeply it seems like I'm turning inside out. 

Precious little babies stay close even though I'm noisy and sometimes disturb their sleep. 

They are keepers.

The gardenia plant buds are getting bigger by the hour, it seems. I can't wait for the fragrant flowers.

I joined a Facebook group for house plant lovers, and they knew all about this new-to-me indoor gardenia plant. 

They promised that it would smell heavenly.

I'm sure ready for some heavenly. 
Some of you gave me suggestions (thank you) on what to buy to help me get over this whatever-it-is, so I drove to Walgreens and bought what you see above.

I'm simply not one of those people that can sleep during the day, no matter how tired and achy I feel. Wish I could.

Yesterday I looked over at the clock and thought: Oh, it's three o'clock. Bedtime is not too far away.

Then I realized that instead of being five till three, I'd looked at it wrong and and it was really 11:15. 

I got it backwards.

Here's to getting well, staying well, and warmer weather!

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