Sunday, December 31, 2017

Book Review: What Remains True

Author: Janis Thomas
Book Title: What Remains True
Genre: Fiction
Published: December 1, 2017
Publisher: Lake Union Publishing
Pages: 348

Amazon Excerpt:
From the outside, the Davenports look like any other family living a completely ordinary life—until that devastating day when five-year-old Jonah is killed, and the family is torn apart. 

As the fury of guilt engulfs them, the Davenports slowly start to unravel, one by one.

My Review:
"What Remains True" truly touched my heart. 

This book is told from alternating views of everyone involved, even the family dog. 

Jonah has died and needs to move on to wherever humans go when they leave this earth, but he is too worried about his family to complete his journey. 

His family members, deep in the throes of divisiveness, can't move through the necessary stages of acceptance in order to grieve. 

Jonah has to find a way to help them do this so he can finally depart this earth.

This is a book that will leave clear imprints on your heart.

About The Author: 

Janis Thomas is the author of three critically acclaimed humorous women’s fiction novels.

She has written two children’s books with her father and more than fifty songs. As well as being an author and musical performer, Janis is also a writing advocate, editor, workshop leader, and speaker.

Janis lives in Southern California with her family and two crazy dogs.

Learn more about Janis at

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