Book Title: The Resurrection Of Joan Ashby
Genre: Fiction
Date Published: August 29, 2017
Paperback: Flatiron Books
Pages: 544
Joan Ashby became a huge literary success at a young age. She was fully focused on her writing career.
But then she met a man and fell in love.
She had discussed not having children with her future husband, and they both agreed to focus their lives on their careers. She as a writer and he as a doctor.
But he changed his mind. And so she found herself having her first son.
This book enchanted me with Joan's musings on what might have been had she taken the alternate path.
Joan Ashby loved her sons, but often found herself thinking about where she might be in her career had she held firm on her original decision not to have children.
My Thoughts:
I truly enjoyed this book, but I felt it could have been edited a bit in terms of length.
Joan Ashby's own stories are played out on the pages.
But I felt that the amount and length of her stories took me away from Joan Ashby's actual story line. By the time I got back to her, I was somewhat sidetracked.
Obviously this first time novelist is very talented, but I believe this novel needed an editor that could have whittled down her prose.
However I do look forward to reading more from this very talented writer.
About The Author:Cherise Wolas is a writer, lawyer, and film producer. She received a BFA from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, and a JD from Loyola Law School.
A native of Los Angeles, she lives in New York City with her husband.
The Resurrection of Joan Ashby is her debut novel.
Note: I was given a copy of this book for my honest review.
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