Sunday, December 24, 2017

And It Snowed...

When I let the dogs out in the wee hours of Saturday morning  snow was gently falling. 

It always seems amazing to me that something so epic could be basically noiseless.

In my 60 years on this earth, I can't recall a single Christmas when we had snow on the ground.

Look at Jade the tree with snow on her branches. And Charlie sniffing around, amazed at his patio looking so different.

This is what it looks like from just inside the patio door. My pot of petunias on the coffee table snow-filled. 

The angel stands to the side, as if presiding over the event.

"Oh, the weather outside is frightful...

"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow..." I cough the words rather than sing them.

My last daisy, the thin petals covered in snow. Odd how so much snow is clinging downward instead of poised on top.

It kind of looks as though a fellow daisy threw a snowball and caught it square in the face.

When the snow begins to melt, it will be weeping.

A wonderful time to light candles. Drink hot chocolate (it makes my throat feel better). 

Watch Christmas movies or read. I prefer to read. Snuggle up under a quilt with the pupsters.

And look toward a new year fast approaching.

Have you noticed that when it snows, before the snow gets slushy and dirty, it is like the world is pure

A landscape of pristine angelic white that covers all the ugly things we do not want to see. 

And for a time, we don't have to.

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