Wednesday, December 27, 2017

A Room Crammed Full Of Sick Folks

Yesterday I drove across town to what I suppose was the only Urgent Care Clinic open in my network. At least that's where my doctor's office directed me to go.

I meandered through the traffic till I found it, way out by my daughter's house. I signed in and sat down.

It was a teeming mass of humanity in there. I put one of those coughing masks over my mouth and settled in to wait to get checked in. 

Good grief. 

Why don't parents turn off their darned phones and watch their young children in a room crammed full of sick folks? 

Kids screaming for no other reason than to try and get attention. I wanted to crawl out of my skin.

Sometimes I wonder how many kids run out into traffic or get lost because their parent/parents are too distracted by social media to take care of their offspring.

How many preventable accidents, I wonder, occur every year due to the advent of smart phones? 

After some time, sitting there with all that sickness and noise, I could see that I wasn't even going to get checked in for a good while. 

So I just left and went back home.

I think this is allergies compounded with asthma. The meds they called in for me have not really worked.

Drove out into the cold for nothing. Except I did stop at my favorite Chinese place on the way home to pick up soup to soothe my throat.

If I had the means, I think I'd buy myself a remote cabin in the woods and hibernate with the wild critters. 

Get some chickens and maybe a goat and become a hermit.

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