Saturday, November 25, 2017

Staying Home & Sweet Gift In The Mail

Well, I got so tired of wearing the old blurry glasses that I resorted to wearing the glasses that now have only one nose piece.

Progressives have layers of prescription to them, which is why they're so expensive. 

So wearing a pair of these glasses with one nose piece means I can see pretty well out of one side, but the other eye is looking out of the wrong spot with no nose piece to anchor my vision. 

Which means you're mostly okay with one eye, and blurry with the other.

So I'm doing as little as possible until I can get my new glasses, which should be (I hope) Monday. Going to be a long weekend looking out of this pair.

However I still have a meal or two from the leftovers my daughter brought over. And I can put together various meals from what I already had. 

So I won't be going out. Driving would be a bit difficult.

A sweet reader sent me the above gift. There is a pretty table runner with rick-rack and colorful striped dish towels. Along with paper napkins and a little notebook. All beautifully color coordinated. Thanks Pam!

I will probably finish the book I'm reading this weekend. I'm really enjoying "Only Child."

It is written from the viewpoint of a first grader who was in an elementary school when a gunman came in and started shooting. His older brother was killed, and this tragic event changes his whole family.

I would think it would be hard to write a book from the viewpoint of someone so young. Rhiannon Navin handled this task splendidly however. 

I am not one to go out during the weekend after Thanksgiving. I wouldn't get out in those crazed crowds for love or money. 

Do you go out to shop on Black Friday weekend? If you do, I consider you a very brave soul!

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