Saturday, November 4, 2017

Infection Update & A Book I'm Reading

Thursday was a great day. I felt well enough to go out and take photos. I thought maybe I had this infection behind me.

Then Friday morning came and I felt as bad as I did a week ago. Headache, pain in abdomen, bladder spasms. I'm using AZO, so surprised by that. Plus I'm drinking a lot of cranberry juice and water. 

I miss my coffee! But I don't dare make a cup. Thursday I picked up a caramel iced coffee from McDonalds before I went to the park. And my bladder has felt irritated ever since I drank it.

But I have all these great photos from the park, so I will show them to you. I went to Swan Lake after the park, so I have pics from there as well. 

There was so much to enjoy at Woodward Park. I just love the tree leaves this time of year. And the koi at their pond.

I tend to live in my bedroom when I don't feel well. I pile up the pillows and get under a quilt.
Maybe there will be good movies on Lifetime this weekend. If not, I have this great book I started a few days ago.

I hope you have a fun and eventful weekend. Enjoy the fall weather!


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