Thursday, November 2, 2017

Feeling Better & Missing TV Remotes

I will miss my pretty flowers when it freezes. 

But of course that is the natural way of things. To everything there is a season. And my blooms will have fulfilled their obligatory run for the season.

Many won't be back to visit me next year, because they are annuals. But many of the herbs will return, as robust as ever I imagine.

Have you put your garden to bed yet? I brought my garden hose in, then took it back out to water things yesterday, when the temps were pretty warm.

I'm feeling better today. The medication is doing its thing. Thank goodness. 

This reared its ugly head last week. But I thought it was nothing, that it would go away. I wasn't aware it was an infection. 

As commonly seems to happen, things tend to happen on weekends when you have few options. By Saturday I was miserable. Then Sunday came and I was more miserable. I couldn't get an  appointment Monday, so had to wait for Tuesday. Those were l-o-n-g days.

Remember the Aveeno baths I wrote about? Three days in a row I took Aveeno baths. And the nurse said that was likely the culprit for this urinary tract infection. I won't be doing that again. 

All weekend I felt achy and somewhat befuddled, as happens when your body is being taken over by an invisible-to-the-naked-eye infection that comes to inhabit your nether region. 

I could not get comfortable. The only thing that helped was to press a heating pad to my lower abdomen. I spent more time in the bathroom that I spent out of it. 

I spent a lot of time in bed, groggily watching TV and reading. And I cursed myself for not having taken this thing seriously before the weekend arrived.

Do you ever misplace your TV remote and it seems to have picked itself up and walked right out the door?

I sometimes wake up and turn on Morning Joe somewhere during their two hour morning show. I don't get up and get my glasses. I just want to hear sound to see if anything major happened overnight.

The remote was not where I thought I put it on the dresser next to my bed. The second place I might have placed it in my sleepy state would have been right next to me. 

I rustled around in the bedding. It wasn't there. I know it didn't fall to the floor because I'd have surely heard it hit the hard floor. 

I'd nod off a little bit listening to the news, and then grope around looking for it again. This scenario repeated itself about half a dozen times. 

I could have sworn that TV remote sprouted feet or wings and taken off for parts unknown. I shook the sheets and quilt and it was not caught up there. I moved pillows aside. Nope.

Finally after I got up I did find it. It was right there. Right there on the bed. How could I have missed finding it?

Or did it in fact sprout little feet and go on a gleeful and mischievous romp to wherever TV remotes go to hide, laughing at me all the while?

Okay, so that is just my imagination going off on a tangent.

This made me think about the TVs from my childhood. We did not have remote controls. We actually got up and walked over to this large box and switched it on and off. 

Sometimes I wish life could be simple again. Black and white. On and off. 

So pleasantly simple.

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