Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Eye Exam & New Book In The Mail

Monday I had an eye exam. I knew I needed new glasses. But I put it off because my glasses are always expensive. But the nose piece was just about broken off. So I had to do it.

I have to wear bifocals. But I just hate those lines across the middle of the lens. So I always get progressive glasses.  If you're not familiar with them, here is some information for mature wearers of glasses.

So my glasses end up costing around $500. Which is what I paid to order them this time too. A good chunk of change, huh? But worth it to me because if I'm awake, I'm wearing them.

(Another clematis bloom.)

I was told that I will probably need cataract surgery within the next year or so. He said I might even notice a difference in my sight in my right eye earlier than that.

He also said that it is possible that once I have surgery, I have around a 90% chance of not having to wear glasses all the time anymore. Just reading glasses.

Have any of you had that happen?

That would be a pleasant surprise, because I've worn glasses since childhood. I never opted for contacts, because I cringed at the idea of putting anything in my eyes.

Aside from the petunia plant above, I have another petunia plant that has about a dozen black blooms. I just didn't capture a decent photo of it. 

I also still have tomatoes to eat. Though as you can see the leaves look pretty bad!


And I still have loads of Johnny-Jump-Ups. Plus I still have purple petunias blooming.

And roses, though they look a little bedraggled...

Now to the book I received yesterday...

Here is the summary blurb from

Squeezed into a coat closet with his classmates and teacher, first grader Zach Taylor can hear gunshots ringing through the halls of his school. 

A gunman has entered the building, taking nineteen lives and irrevocably changing the very fabric of this close-knit community. 

While Zach's mother pursues a quest for justice against the shooter's parents, holding them responsible for their son's actions, Zach retreats into his super-secret hideout and loses himself in a world of books and art. 

Armed with his newfound understanding, and with the optimism and stubbornness only a child could have, Zach sets out on a captivating journey towards healing and forgiveness, determined to help the adults in his life rediscover the universal truths of love and compassion needed to pull them through their darkest hours. 

Here's how I've been getting books lately.

I look for new books on, or I go to and find them. 

Then when I have the author's name, I look for a link to their website, or I Google their name. Many times I find their email address listed, and I then email them telling them of my interest in their book.

I've had quite a few email back and give me the link to their publisher or publicist. Who I then email with my interest, and they email back and ask for my address in order to send me the book.

Mary Kubica's publisher, after I sent them the link to my review, said they'd put me on a list for all women's fiction and suspense books, which is what I told them I prefer to read. They told me if there's anything specific that I want to read to let them know.

So this has been a great way to get books for my daughter and I to read. Authors and publishers really want feedback and reviews of their books on blogs as well as social media.

Speaking of my daughter, she will be bringing me a Thanksgiving meal sometime that afternoon. So I don't have to cook or do anything this year. I'm planning on digging out my Christmas decor over the weekend.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, however you choose to spend it.

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