Friday, November 3, 2017

A Walk At Woodward Park

I've been meaning to go to Woodward Park to indulge my love of photography for some time. I managed to get over there yesterday morning.

The trees are in their fall zenith. I could have spent hours just taking photos of trees. 

I took over 450 photos!

There were lots of hydrangeas. 

So many textures that fascinated me. The front of leaves. The back of leaves. Tree bark. I try to pause to look at everything. And so many things beckoned to me.

I prefer to take photos between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. I like the way the sun hits objects at that time. The slant of rays on the foliage.

Even though I was surrounded by the city, this little nook carved out for a park is one of my favorite photography jaunts. 

Now if I can just drive out into the countryside before winter sets in.

I saw squirrels preparing for winter by digging in their nuts. They were busy foraging all over the park. 

All over town, the tree leaves are perfection right now. 

Fall signals the end of a season. Leaves fall from the trees and plants turn brown and wither. 

The textures are just amazing this time of year. (As you can see, I get excited over the little things.)

After a week of feeling bad, this was just the tonic I needed! 

Nature to me is such a wondrous gift. I hope you don't mind my sharing it with you.

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