Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Sunny Fall Days & Getting Chores Done

This red-lipped ceramic vessel with the closed eyes makes me smile every morning when I walk into the kitchen. 

Now I wish I'd picked up her male counterpart when they had it in my grocery store, because they no longer sell them.

You put off buying something, telling yourself you're just not quite sure yet. And then it's no longer around, so the decision is made for you.

There aren't many petunias left. 

This flower is surrounded by dried up leaves. Reminds me of someone blooming in less than hospitable surroundings. 

An apt motto for life. To bloom where you are planted. To accept where you currently live, and to embrace that space and make it your own.

Every day I spend several hours out on the patio getting things ready for fall. 

Snipping and trimming the lemon grass so the sun can get to other plants underneath it. 

Like my one tomato plant. It has more yellow flowers on it, which means more tomatoes. But the huge lemon grass was shadowing it.

I enjoy these cooler days with the sun shining down while doing these tasks. There's always something to do in a garden.

A daisy preparing to bloom. 

I just love to take photos of flowers in the transformation they make from bud to bloom to flower.

The above photo is what this daisy looks like as the individual petals begin to unfold.

I'm so relieved that the problem trees are cut down, though I miss their shade and the way they helped hide the view of the back of the strip mall.

But that is just another challenge. To attempt to hide some of that ugly view. I look forward to that challenge.

An image from the right side of my couch. Don't you just love the patina of old vintage boxes?

And last but certainly not least, Jade's leaves are starting to turn various shades of yellow. 
They told me at the nursery to be sure I watered Jade throughout the winter. The first year you have a tree is the most important to make sure it gets a good start.

I'm afraid if I can't see it from where I sit on the couch, I might forget to check the soil for moisture on a daily basis. So I've rolled Jade where I can view it. I'll move it down the line.

The leaves will be falling off Jade in the next few weeks I think, since the leaves are turning. 

Come spring when I'm planning out the look of my summer patio, I will move Jade to a better spot as the buds form for another season.

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