Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Rain & Trees

We got a nice rain shower yesterday. Sure perks the plants up. 

With the weather cooling a bit, some flowers are making a comeback. They sure are a welcome sight.

Abi, who likes for me to be in the bedroom, is a happy camper right now. 

There is so much stuff crammed in the living and dining space that I also eat back here. Just put my plate on my tray and watch TV. 

I've been watching the Las Vegas coverage, as I imagine many are. Just like we watched the hurricane coverage.

One thing sure happens when tragedy occurs, you find out what folks are made of. All manner of heroics and good people doing what good people do. Thinking about others more than themselves. This is heartening.

This tragic event surpassed other tragedies in terms of number of people being killed. But I imagine there will be another at some point that surpasses this one unfortunately.

I guess you're going to be seeing a lot of photos of my patio, as my whole apartment is seriously has stuff piled everywhere, and not a place I want to photograph. Not a pretty picture right now, that's for sure!

So I hope you don't tire of flower and pupster photos for awhile.

Someone emailed that they solved a similar wall problem by putting up bead board. Ironically, I had bead board at either end of that wall, and I tore it down in order to get to the wallpaper! It broke apart and I took it down to the dumpster. Gone now.

Sounds like a pretty good idea actually, but I don't have the tools. It's sure a thought I'm keeping in mind if I don't hear back soon. 

I'd probably have to hire someone to do that as well. I don't know what management would think about me putting bead board up. Guess I could check.

They tell me they're having the problematic trees cut down around here. A few weeks ago I called the main office of the management company that oversees this place, and basically threw a fit. I got a pretty quick response.

They seemed quite surprised when I told them that one of the apartments here has been closed up indefinitely because there is a tree growing in the dining room. Guess they hadn't been told.

Soon after that phone call, the maintenance man was sent to that apartment to drill holes in it and insert tree killer or some such thing. (He told me this.) 
I would think they'd have noticed that only 99 units are being leased out of 100. But who knows? 

How do thinks get so out of hand? I guess if the owner lives in Texas and the management company hires a complex manager to oversee it, the buck just keeps getting passed. While the trees take over.

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