Monday, October 30, 2017

A Few Living Room Additions

As you can see above, I added two of my vintage washboards to the wall above the couch. I just thought they belonged there.
A photo of Charlie on the couch on his bed. He does loves his bed.

I think the pupsters will probably have to go to the groomer soon. They're starting to look a little rough around the edges.


I added a few things to this small strip of wall that is in my living room.

I haven't purchased a magazine in quite some time. But I have older ones here on the coffee table in a basket.

I'm kind of surprised at the minimal amount of color I now have in my apartment living room. Maybe just a phase I'm in.

I brought in these house plants from the patio because it was close to freezing weather over the weekend. 

I found the Pier 1 pumpkin spice oil in a drawer the other day. I'll have to find something to add this seasonal scent to.

Hard to believe that October is all but over! The holidays are right around the corner now.

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