Friday, September 22, 2017

White Dishes

After tossing the broken white plate from the first order, and the broken mug from the second order they sent me free of charge, I washed my dishes and arranged them on the blue cupboard in my dining space.

The clear glasses you see are in fact jars, as you can probably tell. 

The other day I was thinking maybe one day I'd get some smaller glasses, as I only had the four taller red ones. I need smaller glasses because I have smallish hands.

Then I happened upon an unopened box of a dozen small jars I had forgotten I had. The perfect size for my smallish hands. I took them out, removed the lids, and started using them.

The newest color scheme on the shelves of my blue cupboard is red and white. I love my new white dishes! 

Do you have a set of white dishes in your home?

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