Monday, September 25, 2017

Sticky Wallpaper & Sleeping Dogs

Lawsy, it's hot out there. When is fall going to visit Oklahoma?

I water the plants in the morning, and just hours later everything is withered looking and limp. And then I water again. 

Guess what I took on yesterday? I tore down the wallpaper behind my couch. 

It was supposed to be removable wallpaper, but it tore paper off the wall. I will have to patch various places before painting. And that's after I get the sticky goo off the wall.  

Why did I do such a thing? Well, I got tired of the look. Plus there were bubbles I couldn't work out no matter what I tried. So I just decided to take it down and repaint.

With the heat and humidity outside, which just zaps you, it may take me awhile to get it all done. 
I'm going to look into getting one of those long handles for painting so I don't have to keep getting up on step ladders when I paint it. 

I'm debating if I want to try to match the white of the other walls, since I don't have any leftover white paint. Or maybe paint it the light tan color that surrounds my kitchen sink. Not the whole living room, just that wall.

For those of you that have a dog, I have a question for you. When your dog is sleeping, does he/she sometimes roll their eyes to the back of their head and twitch? 

I've never seen Charlie do that, but Abi does. Her body twitches and she makes little sounds and her eyes roll around. I don't know if she's having a dream or what's going on. Frankly she looks a bit possessed when this happens!

I try not to laugh because I don't want to wake her up. It's quite entertaining to watch.

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