Monday, September 18, 2017

Little Pieces Of My Day

I start my day by having breakfast and pouring myself a cup of coffee. I take my coffee over to the couch and the dogs settle in beside me. 

My day moves forward as usual.

This is the side view from where I sit sipping my coffee. 

Occasionally I look up from my laptop to watch the birds that fly around the bird bath. They are a constant blur all day long.

Nature is important to my day and piece of mind. Somehow just watching nature relaxes and centers me. It empties my mind of the world news and worries outside my door. 

All those other things go into an invisible shredder as I enjoy whatever is on the other side of that patio door.

“The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead.” ― Marjorie Pay Hinckley

At some point during my morning, depending on the heat, I will go outside and water the plants. 

I stroll around the patio and dead head what few blooms that are left. I always pause to enjoy the deepening color of the sedum autumn joy as September moves onward.

The dogs are always with me, and they sniff and check everything out as dogs are prone to do.

As I age, the more important the little pieces of my day are to me.

Watching a bird hop around the patio. The light as it changes throughout the day. The lengthening of shadows as the season moves forward.

When I was a younger woman, I did not understand the importance of this. How pausing to reflect is so vital to contentment. 

But now I do. 

I no longer rush everything. Moving from one thing to another. Cleaning and cooking and running errands. Getting things done. 

At the end of the day, I want to be able to say that I truly enjoyed it all.


“We're so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are.” ― Bill Watterson

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