Friday, September 15, 2017

Decorating An Organized Kitchen

Decorating is important to me. But so is organization. 

I don't like things out of place. I ascribe to the motto that everything has a place. 

And if it doesn't, I will create one.

As I live in an apartment and don't have a huge kitchen, I have to organize so that things I need are readily available to me. 

But it's just as important to me that it is also visually appealing.

I like to have everything corralled into a container of some variety. It looks less cluttered. And I can also easily pick it up should I spill something, for instance.

As you see above, my sugar and tea bags are in clear glass canisters in a dough bowl. 

Along with those two things are small ceramic measuring bowls and olive oil.

I have four cutting boards arranged along the wall. Along with a small red container that holds a dish towel and a red owl spoon rest.

I'm using photos to move down my surface space showing you where I do what. The above photo is where I use my electric skillet, to the left of my sink. 

I always cut up food on my cutting boards in this same space. And I prepare food here as well.

To the back of this counter space is my galvanized tray with utensils, etc. 

To the right of that is a narrow vintage wooden box where I've stored dish soap, hand soap and surface cleaner.

The sponge I use to clean dishes (I don't use my dishwasher) is inside a cow planter. I have utensils in cans and jars. I like all my utensils in one spot.

Then there's the space where my washer sits.  

I keep the electric skillet on top of the washer, as the electric outlet is there. Although when I actually use the electric skillet, I move it to the counter.

On the wall is a shelf where I store my laundry soap, etc. Then on the other wall is vertical storage. 

I call this "decorative storage."

Then there is the doorway going into my dining space, and then what you see in the photo below. 

I have more vertical storage with the metal wall container and the hanging rake. Then you see my red cupboard (pantry), with the rest of my cutting boards and a small lamp. 

I hate overhead light and very rarely use it. Can you believe I've lived here close to three and a half years and never had to change the overhead light bulb? Same way in the other rooms.

I've added two vintage graters for decorative purposes. Though if I need to grate cheese, they're mighty handy!

Then there is Breville Smart Oven where I cook most of my food. 

The oven mitts I use to take hot food out of the Breville Smart oven are right there hanging on the wall.

Down below the kitchen cart is where I store cookware, small electrical appliances, paper towels and dog food.

The plastic container is where I store dry dog food. On the middle shelf (you can't see it) I line up canned dog food. 

The doggy bowls (you can't see them) are on the floor below the paintings, etc.

The red tray you saw in my bedroom post yesterday is stored in the small space between the cart and the wall. When I eat in my bedroom, I use the red tray.

I haven't bothered showing the doorways, but at the end of the cart is the doorway into my short hallway. 

Then on the wall above, I have more vertical storage. The wooden cow has hooks for measuring spoons.

As you can see, I try to decorate around necessities so that they also are pleasing to the eye. Or at least to my eye!

I store vintage jars on the windowsill. They are handy if I need to store something in them, and I like the way they look lined up there in the window. 

An added benefit is that the sun looks so pretty shining through the jars. I also ripen tomatoes from my patio garden there. 

I think I have made good use of the space that I have. I don't need more space. I don't want more space. 

I'm really quite happy having all my things out in plain sight, because they not only serve a purpose, but I like the way they look. In fact now I actually prefer things out in plain sight.

My kitchen makes me smile. It isn't fancy. It isn't expensive. It doesn't have the latest appliances. But it's more than good enough for me. 

If your space makes you smile, then you have achieved not only the goal of storing necessities, but you've also managed to decorate an organized kitchen at the same time.

To me, that is a win-win.

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