Thursday, September 21, 2017

Battery Operated Candle Vignette

A reader named Leslie sent me this battery operated candle. It also has a remote control. Smart candles! Leslie, thank you so much for this gift.

But that wasn't all. She also sent me a stack of knitted dish cloths. Below is a green one. And they are made so well. Leslie knits them with 100% cotton.

How sweet of her to send me these thoughtful and wonderful gifts. 

And she also sent gifts to the pupsters.

A half dozen packets of the only treats that they can have due to their propensity to get pancreatitis. They were very excited about this!

As well as a half dozen of these very cute dish towels. In case you can't read it, it says: "Leave me alone. I'm only speaking to my dog today."

Now back to my vignette.

This is the sewing machine table vignette on the other side of my couch that I promised last week to show you. I think the candle fits perfectly in this rather dark corner of my living room.

Above is the remote that goes with it. Handy-dandy!

You can see a bit of Charlie on his bed on the couch. And a little farther down, I have something else to show you.

I switched out the canvas paintings. This is new from the Open Box Sale section I told you about at 

This is the painting I originally wanted in the first place, but it was not on sale. So I got the colorful larger one instead.

But then recently I was looking at the Open Box Sale items again, and the painting I originally wanted was there! I thought it was meant to be. When would that happen again?

So I cashed out my Wayfair points and ordered it. I hung it on the same nails. Do I need to lower it a bit?

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