Wednesday, September 13, 2017

A Tablescape Of Fall Colors

No, I haven't been to the pumpkin patch. It's back to hot weather here. It's just not pumpkin buying weather!

But I decided that I wanted to create a fall tablescape. I haven't done a tablescape in some time. And I really like to play with dishes. Kind of makes me feel like a little girl with her tea set.

I found this white footed bowl (is that what you'd call it?) a while back at Home Goods. Isn't it pretty?

If you set a pretty table, I think food then automatically seems to taste better.

I looked through my small stash of tablecloths and chose this gold one. The shade of gold is a lot like the fall leaves that have been falling on my patio.

I started out with the photo above: the gold tablecloth and the fruit in the footed bowl. 

I added a round red place mat because my dining chairs, which are actually outdoor chairs that I use as dining chairs, are red.

I just love tree leaves that turn red. So adding red candlesticks to the mix seemed appropriate.

Also, they're the only candlesticks I happen to have at the moment.

Lighting the candles is something I love to do as the days begin to get shorter. Which of course hasn't really occurred here yet. So we'll just pretend that it has. 

Candles just create a warm and cozy atmosphere, don't you think?

I found a white set of dishes at that I ordered. No, I really didn't need more dishes. Heavens no. I just wanted them.

I had these two white plates I'm showing you. But it's odd, now that I think about it, that I've never had a set of white dishes.

I ordered them with my frugal voice whispering "you know you don't need this, Brenda."  

But I hushed that voice and ordered them anyway. And told myself that sometimes you just need a little splurge for no reason.

I figure that you can build many different tablescapes with white dishes as the base.

Elizabeth at Pine Corns And Acorns does this, and it sounded like such a wonderful idea that, yes, I will copy her idea! 

I loved her post yesterday showing gorgeous fall dishes from Williams-Sonoma. Go over and take a look.

Here is the set I ordered. 

I just adore the detail!

This week I want you to do something nice for yourself. 

You work hard as a homemaker and often don't get a lot of credit for doing so. Some of you also work outside the home and then put on your homemaker hat as well.

So splurge on a little something for yourself for no reason. Just because.

One of you (I think it is Carol) calls splurging on things "blame it on Brenda." 

So get something nice for yourself and blame it on me. Temporarily hush your frugal voice and just do it. 

I want you to tell me what you splurged on! So there's no getting out of it.

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