Monday, December 19, 2016

The Painting Continues & Another Book Begun

Believe it or not, in this frigid weather I'm painting with the ceiling fan on. 

Not because I want to. But because the darned thing is broke and if you want the light on, you can't turn off the fan.

The maintenance man said he had to order something to fix it. It's been like this for some time and I just haven't had them in to fix it. 

I am wearing a pink long-sleeved shirt with big streaks of yellow paint across the chest. I just don't think it's possible for me to paint without wearing some of it.

Painting Decisions...

I decided I didn't like the light shade of yellow paint. 

So I foraged around in my bedroom closet and came up with a pint of gold/orange-ish paint. 

I took a deep breath and mixed most of that in, a little at a time. Really hoping I wasn't ruining expensive paint. 

So far, so good. 

I looked through the archives and found the $10 table when I first purchased it.

Almost anything was an improvement to its shabby appearance.

Painting Messes...

I forgot I had quite a bit of paint in the crevices where you anchor the lid. So when I was done with a coat, and had washed the paint brushes, I got the hammer and pounded down the lid. 

Paint splotched all over the dark brown half-wall that, to this day, I can't figure out why it was ever painted that ridiculous color to begin with. I'll wash it down as best I can.

Maybe I should just paint the walls with the yellow paint I'm using? 

But that would entail quite a bit more work, and my ankle is sore and telling me that I'd better wait a bit.

Then I managed to spill paint where I didn't notice it and  tracked it everywhere. So far I haven't seen any doggy paw tracks.

But I'll be on my knees scrubbing the paint off the floor. Which is something I always have to do when I take on a painting project.

Sunlight On A Cold Day...

The sunlight is slanted across the top of the couch and the table next to it. Charlie is snug as a bug in a rug in his little red bed with his blankie. That boy sure loves his blankie.

I didn't give Abi her pill on Saturday, the one for pain and inflammation, because it upset her tummy. But then yesterday she started walking on three legs again. 

Oh, I hope we can get this under control. Because this time last year she was having ACL surgery at Christmastime!

Thoughts On The Gallery Wall...

Abi is on the ottoman at my feet dozing. 

And I'm sitting here staring at the wall over the TV. I've decided to take down some of the things on the gallery wall. So it won't look so gallery-wallish

I want a more cohesive look. I just want less on that wall. It's simply too busy.

Another Book Begun... 

On another note, I started another book last night. I can't remember where I got it, but it was on the book shelf. So I started digging into Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll.

Here's an snippet...


As a teenager at the prestigious Bradley School, Ani FaNelli endured a shocking, public humiliation that left her desperate to reinvent herself. Now, with a glamorous job, expensive wardrobe, and handsome blue blood fiancĂ©, she’s this close to living the perfect life she’s worked so hard to achieve.

But Ani has a secret.

There’s something else buried in her past that still haunts her, something private and painful that threatens to bubble to the surface and destroy everything.

Last Year's Christmas Memories...

You know, last Christmas I found myself repainting the walls. 

I started with just the kitchen this time last year. But by the time I was done I found myself painting the living room and dining area. 

It needs painting again, because I move things on the wall, and I've got patched nail holes. But I don't think this Christmas Day I'll find myself on a ladder.

But then you never know!

I think I'll just fix myself a nice meal and relax. 

On the other hand, I might get a sudden idea and start digging in the closet where all my paint cans are kept. And no telling what will happen.

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