Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Crazy Christmas Train

It's been some years since I got off what I refer to as "the crazy Christmas train."

I hope I don't sound too awful much like Scrooge. Because this is just a personal choice.

I did all the parental Christmas duties when my girls were young and impressionable. 

I was certainly quite involved with making their Christmases merry and bright.

But my children are grown, and we stopped exchanging presents years ago, by mutual decision. 

I just think the entire country is far too materialistic, and we're spoiling our children beyond measure.

Glad I spit that out and got it over with, because I know it sounds a bit harsh.

Crazily shopping and ratcheting up the credit cards while stressing for one holiday seems utterly ridiculous to me.

So I stepped off the crazy Christmas train. 

For me now at the cusp of 60, holidays are whatever I want them to be. 

My Christmas holiday is simple. I cook a meal, one that will provide leftovers and/or freeze. And have a very relaxed day.

Or I could be painting, and that has become relaxing for me to some degree. If a bit messy! But I get a whole lot of thinking done while I'm wielding a paint brush.

I will reiterate that this is a personal choice. It is not a judgment of anyone's holiday plans. 

It's just not for me.

I know that many people feel that it isn't a proper holiday unless they have dozens of presents under a tree with all the hoopla. 

And advertisers do their dead level best to have everyone frothing at the mouth for the newest and coolest gadget on the market.

I can't blame them. It is their biggest shopping event of the year.

I just believe that we should go by personal choice. And not get bogged down by what everyone expects.

So however you choose to celebrate the holiday, I wish you a wonderful day. Whether that's having in lots of family or taking a longed for vacation.

I will happily be doing my own thing. Whatever that turns out to be.

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