Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Purging More Than Things

Last night I laid awake in the dark thinking about some things. 

And this thought came to me. Were momentous things meant to be?

Are things predestined?

I'm not sure if I believe it. But believing it would give me some degree of peace.

I've decided, in our purging/decluttering series for January, that it won't be just things that we hope to purge. 

There are so many things we hold onto. Things that are twisting us into pretzels.

Things we simply cannot do anything about.

So we can join together and work on letting it go. An emotional purging, I guess you could call it. 

I don't know if it's possible, but we can try.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could just snap our fingers and poof! The letdowns and the pain and the sadness would just evaporate?

Of course that doesn't happen. 

But you and I can make the effort to say goodbye to it. To let it go.

Of relationships that meant so much we thought they'd last forever. 

Of people that left you with the bitter taste of disappointment in your mouth.

Of family that simply don't want you in their life. 

For me, that is the most bitter of disappointments.


Damn, it hurts. There's no denying that. It's a million little paper cuts on the end of your finger.

But life doesn't pause. And the clock doesn't stop ticking while you struggle with acceptance.

It's easy to let things go, comparably speaking. It's fairly easy to clean out the closets and drawers and get things organized.

But can you let people go?

You can continue to live. Or you can continue to let it eat at your soul bit by bit till it kills you.

So what choice do we have? 

Can we find the strength to turn the page?

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