Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Movers & Breakers

Boy, is it cold out there! It is overcast. Not a ray of sun in sight. 

I'm staying in today. Cleaning and rearranging the living room furniture. One task often goes with the other.

Making some changes in the living room.

With my chair in front of the living room window, I got too much glare on my laptop. 

So I'm trying out this catty-corner arrangement.

But I need to tell you about the "casualties" when I moved the couch and chair. There are often things that get broken.

First, the cows in the field that was above the couch. No, I didn't break the glass, but the frame fell apart. What do they make these things of nowadays?

I managed to get the glass and picture to the bedroom closet in one piece. 

I imagine it will cost a small fortune to frame that huge thing and add glass. And the glass that is with it is the thinnest glass I've ever seen. So that will be a project for another day.

I also managed to knock over one of my little vintage clear bottles and break that too. 

Did you notice the lamp is different? 

Well, my red shade on my floor lamp has been falling apart for some time. As in the spikes not fitting into the shade anymore. 

I looked at new shades at Lowes. But the ones that would have looked best were around $29.99.

So then I remembered I had reward points at Kirklands, in the same shopping center. I got this lamp, after using my rewards points, for $9.

Yeah, a lot cheaper to get the lamp AND shade than just to get a shade. Love when that happens!

So after I get things organized and the mess cleaned up, I'll show more. 

I know. Most people are scurrying around trying to get ready for the holidays. But I'll cook myself a nice meal and call it good.

If you're a blogger and haven't linked up to our Home For Christmas party link-up that Debra and I are hosting again this year, click here. The link went up yesterday and will continue through Christmas. 

Next month, January, I'm kicking off a series for purging and decluttering. I figure if we commit to this, we can hold one another accountable. 

So if you want to get your home in order, join me. I'll have more information about this after Christmas. 

Brr! I'm making some soup for lunch!

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