Friday, December 2, 2016

Errands & Chores

Yesterday I went to the antique mall. I was fairly tired from dragging decorations out all week and lifting boxes to get to them, so I wore the boot.

I walked around for quite some time, picking up items, putting them back. I left without buying a thing. 

But I enjoy my time just strolling and imagining. Pondering where I might put something. Getting inspiration.

Then I went by the grocery store and picked up staples for another meatloaf and pot roast. Last stop: pharmacy pick-up.

Then home to the pupsters. (See how they look with their new hair cuts below.)

I was thinking that I've been in this city for over five years now. A couple of years in the little blue house. And nearly three years here in this patio apartment. 

Sometimes I miss being in a house. But I don't miss the upkeep. My ankle just isn't up for much of that any more. 

I have to learn that if I am to walk, I have to set limitations. If I get up on the step ladder to hang curtains, or if I lift things that are heavy, I'm going to have to take it easy for awhile.

It isn't really my nature to pace myself. I'm working on that day by day. Learning patience.

I went out and cleaned the bird bath yesterday afternoon, so the birds would have fresh water.

I sure enjoy watching those birds fluttering around. 

Do you have a bird bath or bird feeder?

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