Thursday, November 10, 2016

What I'm Reading & What I Will Be Writing About

I am deep within the pages of a book my daughter brought over some time ago.

The Woman In Cabin 10... 

Oh, the twists and turns in this book! I think of myself, like the main character, stuck on a boat, wondering who is terrorizing her. And though I've never wanted to go on a cruise of any variety, now I KNOW I never want to go on one! 

It has finally cooled off enough that I don't mind having the lamp light on to read by. All summer I was reading on my back-lit Kindle.

Speaking of reading, some of you have commented that you are enjoying reading about my day recently. Well, I've decided to get back to that type of blog posting that I kind of backed off there for awhile. 

So I will natter on about everything and nothing. And probably bore you to tears. 

If you have suggestions for what you'd like to see me post about, I always encourage you to let me know in the comments. Or email me.

In other news, it finally stopped raining. The sun is out today. The birds are chirping away. 

I can hear the TV on next door. I don't think they ever turn it off. 

I've learned that most of the people around here stay inside when/if they're not at work. I seldom see anyone doing anything outside. 

I find that sad.

We are lucky here to have large fenced patios. Why not use them?

Most just sit vacant with crazy weed vines growing up the fence. Which I keep tearing down on my side.  

Why don't people garden in containers? Grow some veggies to eat? (I finally have peppers ripe now.) 

Put a chair out and watch the birds? 

I just don't get it. I could not sit inside all day in front of a TV watching heaven knows what, and not get outside in the fresh air. Seems unnatural.

Well, I'm off to my mammogram.

Surely I will be finished with painting soon. My ankle will thank me for sure. 

But as you well know, paint is about the cheapest way to redecorate. You can make some mighty big changes with a few coats of paint. 

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