Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Life's A Garden...

Two days ago I took my sewing machine table with the wooden top out on the patio so I would have more room for painting. Stupidly, I did not check the weather forecast.

It has been raining non-stop. Guess when it stops raining I'll dry it off and put a piece of oil cloth over it until I can get things sorted out. 

Still painting. 

Some people are green with envy. I am green with paint. Oregano green, to be exact. 

Abi and Charlie just want it over so that I can sit with them more. They pout if I can't sit with them. Doesn't matter that I'm just a few feet away. They want me right here in this chair.

Where I am at this very moment.

We lost our maintenance man to a higher-paying job. Hated to see him go. But then, that is life, isn't it. People moving through and moving on. Just life.

Our patio apartments have been up for sale. Not sure what's going on there. Sure wish we'd get an owner who took pride in his property. 

There was a time in my life when people took pride in things. I guess it isn't as important any more.

Me, I take pride in where I live. Maybe I can't do much about the outside. The very walls. But I can do what I can on the inside. And that's what counts the most to me. 

I can't afford to live in a more upscale place. So it is my aim to do what I can with where I do live. I think that is important for everyone.

To learn to love and feel proud of where they do live. 

I might not have extra money right now for grocery store flowers, because my Charlie needed his procedure, and the pupsters are of the highest priority. 

But I can set out a pretty bowl of green apples, and call it my bouquet. 

Food can be arranged in a pretty fashion. As can lots of things. 

Don't despair if you can't afford pretty shiny things in the stores. Everyone with a bit of cash and a credit card can have that. 

But what you make of what you have is truly creative and indubitably unique. 

Arrange books on your coffee table. Set a candle on top. 

You can take a plate or a platter from the kitchen and arrange candles. Secure them with marbles or sea shells or whatever you have. Dry beans or peas would work in a pinch.

Life is what you make of it. 

Your bouquet is what you come up with using what you have on hand. 

I saw a quote online the other day by the actor David Spade from a film...

"You gotta keep on keepin' on. Life's a garden: dig it. You gotta make it work for you."

Well said. And quite true.

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