Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Fine Print 10/11/16: October Is Domestic Violence Month

October is National Domestic Violence month.

And why, you may be asking, is that important for you to know?

Because domestic violence lurks in every strata of society. No matter whether you are rich or poor, you are in danger of getting caught up in a situation defined as domestic violence.

Or it might be your sister, your mother, your daughter, your best friend...

It could be you.

I've interviewed and written articles about domestic violence. I've lived it.

Victims oftentimes deny their situation, feeling guilty. As if being battered and coerced is their fault. They hide behind the fantasy of a happy home life because they feel shame.

But here, my friends, are the latest statistics from The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence:

1) Every 9 seconds, a woman in America is assaulted or beaten.

2) A mind-boggling one in three women (and one in four men) has been a victim of physical brutality by an intimate partner. 

3) This makes intimate partner violence the single greatest cause of injury to women. (Domestic Violence Intervention Program)

Sobering, huh?

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