Monday, October 3, 2016

Day 1 Of The Bloggers' Seasonal Harvest Tour

Welcome to the first day of the Bloggers' Seasonal Harvest Tour. I've also dubbed it "the thankful bloggers' tour."

There will be 25 blogs participating, five for each day this week.

We will not so much be doing fall home tours, so much as indicating what this time of year means to each of us in our own individual way. The bloggers have been given free reign to add as little or as much as they please.

In case you hadn't heard, we have lost one of our most gifted and beloved bloggers, Pat Freymuth, of Back Porch Musings. Her loss has left a hole in the fabric of Blog Land. 

Pat was a gracious and elegant lady who gifted us with her beautiful tablescapes and fantastic photography. She was the ultimate go-to source in home keeping, and she sure taught me a thing or two over the years!

Pat left us as quietly as she lived here among us. She was never one to draw attention to herself. 

We are all shaken to the core by her death on September 23, 2016.

We are all of us thankful to still be walking this path on earth. Pat has ended hers and gone on, but will always be remembered and loved.

This tour is about thankfulness. I set this tour up to commemorate how thankful we are for all that we have in life, and especially how thankful we are for our readers.

We are starting today with Chatfield Court. Here is a glimpse...

 Chatfield Court


Tuesday's links will be live tomorrow morning...


I am dedicating this tour to our dear friend, Pat Freymuth. You are gone, my friend, but never will you be forgotten.

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