Monday, October 10, 2016

Cooler Nights & Charlie's Surgery

It's that strange weather time of year when you have to turn the heat on at night, but often have to turn the air conditioning on during the day.

I don't open my windows. The screens are flimsy and have holes where insects get in, and the pupsters go nuts when flying insects get in. 

Speaking of the pupsters, Charlie had to have eye surgery Friday. It was kind of a sudden thing. We went in Friday morning for a third check up of his left eye, which has an ulcer in it.

Charlie with his left eye stitched shut

Later that afternoon when I picked him up, they had taped a cone around his neck to keep him from bothering the stitches. He hated that. I've never been able to keep those things on either dog.

When I nodded off that night, he got that cone off real quick, even though he was right there beside me.

So Saturday morning back we went to the vet for her to check his eye. We didn't have an appointment so had to wait until all the scheduled appointments were seen first.

She put him on a table and cleaned his eye. Then he jumped up in my arms and clung to my neck.

The stitches were intact, so we left the cone off. Now I have to follow him around for two solid weeks to make sure he doesn't scratch the stitches out.
All I can do is give him the one pain pill a day and keep putting drops in the corner of his eye. And watch him like a hawk. Because if he manages to get into another room before I get there, I catch him trying to dig those stitches out. 
I love my pupsters. I'd do anything for them. They're both ten years old now. And their health is not what it was when they were pups. We're just a trio of old folks here now with all kinds of old folks' afflictions.

So if I'm not on top of things per usual in the next two weeks, you'll know why. 

I chased a fly in here for two solid days. Abi cried and jumped in the bath tub. Charlie headed for cover, any cover he could get under. And I chased the fly trying to kill it with my zapper. 

This one fly was so elusive. Just when I thought it had possibly run out of gas and laid down and died somewhere, I'd see the dogs running, bodies close to the ground as if that would keep the fly from seeing them, heading for their respective hidey-holes.

At night we are all absolutely tuckered out, as irritable as toddlers who've missed their afternoon naps. 

Does your pet have any strange phobias? Like becoming terrorized by small flying insects?

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