Friday, July 22, 2016

How I Use Baskets In My Apartment

Baskets are a great way to store things in any room. I have baskets in every room in my apartment. I'll show you a few ways I use baskets.

I store my cutting boards in this huge basket I found in Jenks. A $10 basket that looks vintage. I could not pass it up.

This basket is almost 2 feet long!

I keep my various camera lenses in a basket on my desk. There's always one lens on the camera so I can take a quick pic.

I find that storing my lenses in this little basket keeps them safer. I don't have to worry about them falling over and rolling off my desk. These things aren't cheap!

I keep decorating and gardening books in a basket in the living room. The ones I thumb through the most. 

I keep toilet paper in a big rectangular basket on a bathroom shelf. 

I also have paper towels in a similar basket on the bottom shelf of the kitchen cart. 

A basket is also a good place to keep vintage canning jars so you can grab one for storage in the kitchen.

Do you use a lot of baskets? Where are you favorite places to use baskets?

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