Thursday, July 14, 2016

Frugal Tips For Shopping Antique Malls And Thrift Stores

Lately I've been getting out almost every day, despite the heat. My ankle has been doing well and I'm not wearing the boot. Haven't been for about 3-4 weeks now. 

So yesterday I was drawn back to my favorite antique mall in Jenks, just a few miles down the road. 

And look what a handsome fella I brought home. 

There's a method to my antique mall madness. 

I go quite a bit, but rarely bring much home. Because by now, I know a good buy as soon as I lay eyes on it. 

These roosters at the open garden center in front of River City Trading Center, where I purchased my first rooster a few years ago, run about $60. Yeah.

This one was $15 and quite a bit bigger. Sold!

How To Spot Deals

When I go by myself and can manage to walk awhile is when I find my best deals. Because you've got to stoop down and look in every nook and cranny to find those precious deals tucked away where you probably wouldn't see them otherwise. And that takes time.

For instance, I've had a desire for small vintage bottles of late. I had one (which is in the grouping below). I found a few more yesterday. 

I will not pay more than $2-$3 per bottle, no matter its size. I go for shapes that interest me.

I really have enough for a collection/vignette now. So I won't buy another one unless I can get it for $1 or under.

Try not to be intimidated by a full booth that looks overwhelming. Just take it a section and a row at a time.

Know When To Grab Now Or Come Back Later

Well, folks, there isn't much chance you can go back later and still find that treasure waiting for you. Not if it was a decent price. It has most likely already gone home with someone else. 

So if it's something you're really attached to, better get it when you spot it. 

I find that I put things in my basket, then at the end go through everything and put a lot back. 

I've learned that it's really hard to go back down the aisles and look in every booth till I find something I just know I saw. And now can't find. 

So it's better to grab it when you see it, and mull over your decision to buy while you already have it with you.

When To Go Shopping

I typically go early in the morning when they're just about to open. And I go early in the week most of the time. 

First of all, it's too hot in there in the summer. Their air conditioning is real spotty.

I find that going early in the week usually means there's less shoppers.

Now did I need that blue rooster? No. Would I ever come across one that big for that price in the near future? Unlikely. Unless you haunt these places every single day. And maybe not then.

My first rooster, smaller and much more expensive.

Did I need those bottles? No. But they were cheap and I just loved the look of them. I'd seen some very similar before and passed them up. And yep, next time I went back there was nary a one to be found. 

Your home, no matter its size or construction, is your castle. So buy things you truly love to decorate it

There's no need to collect dozens of things. So focus on a few collections and then they will really stand out. 

If you have more than a few collections and have the room to store them, simply rotate them. 

I remember when I was a child and would go into older women's homes. Oftentimes there would be dozens of glass figurines scattered around. It was kind of overwhelming. 

If you have too many, it looks like one huge mass and nothing stands out as being special. 

So if you're going to fork over the money, make sure it's very special to you.

Have fun junkin' and thrifting!

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