Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Single Woman's Holiday Guide

If you've been a reader of home and garden blogs for long, you've probably discovered that the majority of bloggers are married. Possibly empty nesters, but usually married empty nesters.

In other words, you won't find a lot of divorced women in this blogging genre. I am one of them. And I'm not EVER looking to change that.

When it comes to holidays, you won't find the Norman Rockwell man at the head of the table with knife ready to carve the turkey at my place. 

You won't find a lipsticked Donna Reid style woman with the perfect hairdo at my place.

In fact, here you will find just me and the pupsters. I happen to like spending holidays alone. I make a big deal of it too.

After years and years of being a part of family holiday dinners, I bowed out. These family affairs with various in-laws and people I don't know make me anxious.

I got tired of fitting my size 7 foot into a size 6 shoe and decided to visit with family at other times. Just not on holidays when there's always a crowd.

But I know there are many divorced or widowed or single women who probably don't feel as I do. Who would actually welcome being with family. But for whatever reason, it isn't in the cards any longer. 

We all know that depression can really hit hard at holiday time. And I imagine it is harder for many women to feel enthusiasm when the holidays draw near. 

If you are one of them, let's look at some ways to counteract this and instead, make it a time of celebration. 

Plan a holiday devoted to just you (and your pets, if any). 

The way I look at it, if it's just for you, then you don't have to worry who doesn't eat meat or might not get along with so-and-so. You don't have to worry about whether to have wine because Uncle George will drink too much.


1. Decorate just for you
You only have to please yourself, so let that dictate what you do.

2. Plan your holiday meal just for you
Sometimes I schedule a pick-up holiday meal from my local grocery store. Some restaurants also make up meals for you to pick up and take home the day before. I've done that too.

3. Light candles or in some way make it special
Play close attention to the ambiance just as you would if you had people over. Get yourself a special magazine or book to read later in the evening. Make some hot chocolate or tea.

4. Get yourself a special present to celebrate
If Christmas is the holiday, then buy a present you really want for yourself.

5. Plan to pamper yourself throughout the holiday

Most holidays might be planned with family and friends in mind. But that doesn't dictate what you do for yourself. 

And I think the best way to thwart the holiday blues is to plan for it just as you would if you were expecting a dozen people. 

Get the pets some special treats as well. After all, they're part of your family.

Celebrate your holiday, even if you feel a bit sad. Sadness is a part of life, as is grief. But happiness and celebration is a part of life too. 

So celebrate in your own way. As little or as much as you want.

Reading a book alone is not a bad thing. It's just how you look at it. I love to read. Reading a book is one of my favorite things to do.

If taking photos of nature is one of your favorite things to do, then you could plan that. I've done that myself on a holiday. Treated myself to an afternoon driving out to the countryside to take photos.

The whole premise is to do it your way. Just for you! I bet if you do, the holiday won't be as sad. Instead it will be something to look forward to.


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