Thursday, October 5, 2017

Wall Decision

It has sure been raining here. I always welcome rain for my garden. When it lets up for a period of time, I hear the birds chirping en masse. 

I've always wondered where birds go when it rains. Guess they just sit up in the trees. I know it sounds silly, but I get concerned about the birds!

I still have not heard back from the manager about their painter. I called her and she said he has not answered her text. Can't people actually make a phone call anymore?

So I've taken it back into my own hands. I've spent all this time in the bedroom googling and researching this wall problem. 

I emailed Zinsser, because I already have the Zinsser 123, and here was their reply:

Hello Brenda,
Thank you for contacting Rust-Oleum Product Support. You do not want to use the Bulls Eye 123. It will reactivate the adhesive. We would recommend our Zinsser Gardz. It is made to seal in the wallpaper adhesive. 

You can apply your latex or oil based paint after the Gardz has dried at least 3 hours. If you are putting new wallpaper up, that would be after 3 hours as well. It's okay if it's longer but 3 hours is the minimum dry time.

If you have any additional questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.

So yesterday I ordered the Gardz from Amazon..

I got my electric sander and tried it on a few places before I ordered the Gardz to see if I could make some headway. But that just made it worse. The residue spread out into ridges, but the wall in between the ridges was still very sticky. 

I'll now have to work on the ridges of residue before I apply the Gardz. Everything I try just seems to make the problem worse! Which means even more work.

I called the company that made the wallpaper. They said to use Windex. But I just can't see Windex working when contractor-strength residue remover didn't. And I don't have Windex anyway. I use Mrs. Meyers to clean surfaces and glass.

If the Gardz does work, then I guess I could use the Zinsser 123 over that? Anyone know? I'll have to do some more reading before the order arrives.

Gardz is supposed to be clear (I watched a guy on YouTube apply it) and kind of milky in texture. But it says right on the can that one of its uses is to go over wallpaper residue to seal it in.  

Who'd have thought taking off one wall of wallpaper/wallpaper residue would have become such a chore? Not me. I've dealt with wallpaper and wallpaper removal quite a bit, and it was never like this.

Oh well, live and learn. I'll just stay back here in the bedroom and enjoy listening to the thunder and rain. This is not the kind of weather conducive for paint or wall projects anyway. The Amazon order will be here in a few days. 

Thanks for all the comments and emails suggesting ideas for me to try. I really appreciate it!

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